Providing Primary and Secondary Domain Name Service (DNS)

Our Domain Name Service (DNS) provides directory service and translates domain names into readable IP addresses, but what does that mean exactly?

Domain names are the website addresses of the websites you use. Without translation, the addresses would look like long strings of numbers instead of and other .com websites.

These simplified domain names and the directory "phone book" make it easier for visitors to find websites and receive emails. Without it, you would need to memorize long numerical codes to find a website or send an email.

To make sure your website is always online, we provide primary and backup domains. You can use us as a backup domain even if you don't host with us.

Domain Name Service Benefits

The ICN has naming authority for the following domains.

Example Domain Names
EducationLibrariesState Government  

ICN's DNS can translate URLs into numeric IP addresses or IP addresses into URLs.