Public safety has come to depend on ICN’s broadband to have a closed, secure connection for communicating during emergencies.

ICN's Public Safety Landscape

  • 112 Public Safety Answering Point (PSAP) locations for NG911.
  • 175+ Iowa Homeland Security and Emergency Management (HSEMD) locations.
  • 215+ Department of Public Safety locations.
  • 40 Iowa National Guard locations.

Customer Spotlight

ICN Completes 75th Install for Public Safety Backup Connections

ICN partners with Iowa HSEMD to use FirstNet, Built with AT&T, as the robust and secure backup connection for Iowa-based PSAPs who provide emergency 9-1-1 services to Iowa communities.

"Emergency 911" written on the back of an emergency vehicle

Public Safety Highlights

The ICN works with Iowa Homeland Security and Emergency Management, State Public Safety locations, Firstnet and PSAP locations, and the Iowa National Guard.

Customer Testimonial

"We use the ICN to transport all 9-1-1 calls originating within the State.  All 911 call centers in Iowa (112) are connected via the ICN.  This comes at a tremendous cost savings measure to the taxpayers of Iowa.  Starting in 2011, all wireless 911 calls began being transported via the ICN fiber. In 2019, we added wireline calls onto the network."

What Sets ICN Apart

Learn more about the statewide Network with these 12 reasons why the ICN stands out.