Working Together with Public / Private Partnerships
Reinvestment back to Iowa in Fiscal Year 2024.
$22 M
ICN reinvested back into the private sector.
$8.5 M
Went to private telecommunications providers.
Private Sector Collaboration
ICN’s managed services incorporates premium partnerships with the private sector.
Fiber Network Services
Fiberutilities Group, an Iowa-based company, provides technical staff for the operation & maintenance of the ICN's NOC.
Provides ICN users with a Voice telecommunications system, bundled with the additional productivity enhancements.
LightEdge Solutions
LightEdge Solutions is an leader in data center, Enterprise IT cloud solutions, and network integration.
Leased Fiber
ICN partners with many private sector telecommunications companies to provided Part III leased connections.
Public Sector Collaboration
Bringing together the resources and expertise for our customers and communities.

Statewide Youth Broadband Advisory Council
The youth opportunity is for high school students to discuss Internet topics, learn about tech companies, and more.
Peer to Career
Providing an exclusive program for the Ottumwa Job Corps Center’s Network Cable Installation (NCI) students.